Japan-U.S. Container Exports Decline 0.8% in April
Container exports from Japan to the U.S. amounted to 55,503 TEUs in April, based on volumes at ports of destination, according to American trade data provider Descartes Datamyne. From the previous ...
Kobe's Container Lifting Swells 6.7% to 198,875 TEUs in March
The Port of Kobe handled 198,875 TEUs of oceangoing containers in March, up 6.7% from the corresponding month of last year, according to preliminary statistics unveiled by the Kobe City Government'...
FIATA Releases Paperless B/L
The International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) has brought its members a pragmatic solution to move from paper documents to paperless FIATA BLs, which can be issued directl...
LA Port's Container Throughput Falls 6.3% to 887K TEUs in April
The Port of Los Angeles handled 887,357 TEUs of containers in April 2022, down 6.3%, incurring its first year-on-year contraction since December of last year but having the second-best April in its...
Int'l Containers to/from Nagoya Decrease for 1st Time in 15 Months in April
The Port of Nagoya handled a total of 209,010 TEUs of loaded and empty export and import containers in April, going down 7.4% and registering its first year-on-year loss in 15 months since January ...
WTO Launches New Data Portal
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has launched a new data portal to provide easy access to key databases offering trade statistics and information on members' trade-related measures. The new porta...
EP to Extend ETS to Maritime Transport
The European Parliament (EP)’s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) adopted its report on the revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) with 62 votes for, 20 again...
MLIT Verifies Automation Technology for Port Chassis Management
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan’s Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau has verified the technology of high-efficiency unit-load terminals in preparation ...
Labor, Management Call for Recess, Suspension of Sunday Strike
The Japan Harbor Transportation Association (JHTA) on Thursday resumed its sixth central collective bargaining session of the spring of 2022 port and harbor wage negotiations with the National Fede...
Containers to/from China Slightly Decrease in April
The total volume of containerized shipments processes at Chinese ports in April amounted to 23.66 million TEUs, going down 0.5% from a year earlier, according to the nation’s Ministry of Transport ...