FMC Enhances Monitoring on Big 3 Alliances
The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has made it mandatory for the three leading shipping alliances - the 2M Alliance, the Ocean Alliance and THE Alliance - and their member lines to provide ...
91% of Japanese Manufacturers in Shanghai Operate at Under 30% of Capacity
It has been revealed that 91% of Japanese manufacturers doing business in Shanghai, China are being forced to operate at less than 30% of capacity, according to the Shanghai Japanese Commerce and I...
CCFI Down for 2 Weeks, SCFI for 15 Weeks
The composite China Containerized Freight Index (CCFI) went down 0.4% from the previous week to 3,096.85 points in Week 17, remaining on a downward trend for two back-to-back weeks, according to th...
U.K. to Postpone Again Stricter Inspections on Imports from EU
The U.K. government has postponed again the implementation of strict customs inspections on imports from the European Union (EU) that have been required since the nation withdrew from the union in ...
Indexes Positive in Q1 for Container Exports, Imports, Airfreight Exports, Negative for Airfreight Imports: Think Tank
Freight movement indexes were positive in the first quarter (January-March) of 2022 for exports and imports of oceangoing containers as well as exports of international airborne shipments, but nega...