


San Pedro Bay Ports Announce New Measure to Clear Cargo

In an effort to improve cargo movement amid congestion and record volume, the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles will begin assessing a surcharge to ocean carriers for import containers that dwell...


China's Box Trade Swells 9.5% to 186 Mln TEUs in Jan-Sept

Chinese ports handled a total of 24.28 million TEUs of containers in September, down 1% from the same month of last year, according to preliminary port and harbor statistics compiled by the nation’...


Japan-to-U.S. Box Trade Registers 2-Digit Gain of 22.8% in Sept

Container exports from Japan to the U.S. ballooned 22.8% to 45,763 TEUs in September, marking a year-on-year increase for the third month in a row, American research company Descartes Datamyne has ...


FMC Team Urges Carriers to Adopt Detention & Demurrage Best Practices

The call for an industrywide adoption of best practices related to detention and demurrage came in a letter Federal Maritime Commission Managing Director Lucille Marvin sent to 25 container lines a...


CCFI Up for 2 Weeks Running, SCFI Swings to Downward Trend

The composite China Containerized Freight Index (CCFI) improved 0.9% to 3,300.34 points in Week 41, rising two weeks in a row, according to the Shanghai Shipping Exchange (SSE). In contrast, the co...


Int’l Containers to/from Osaka Grow 11% to 186K TEUs in August

The Port of Osaka processed a total of 185,703 TEUs of loaded and empty oceangoing containers in August, according to preliminary statistics compiled by the Osaka Ports and Harbors Bureau. A double...


Ex-Shanghai Spot Rates Remain Stable on Almost All Routes

The composite index for spot rates for container exports from the Chinese port of Shanghai reached 4,647.6 points in Week 40, up 0.7% from the previous week, the Shanghai Shipping Exchange (SSE) ha...


New Sept. Record Set for Asia-U.S. Box Trade

Containerized exports to the U.S. from 10 major Asian countries and regions swelled 9.2% to 1,789,427 TEUs in September, according to Descartes Datamyne. The U.S. research company has also indicate...


US Retail Imports Could Be Higher without Port Congestion

Imports at the U.S.'s largest retail container ports should remain at near-record levels this month but could see a slight dip from last year's unusually high numbers as congestion slows the moveme...


Containers to/from Shimizu Port Remain Brisk, Swelling 8 Months Running

The Port of Shimizu handled 44,177 TEUs of containers in September, according to preliminary statistics unveiled by the Shizuoka Prefectural Government’s Shimizu Port Authority. The port marked a d...



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