Outbound containers from Japan to China plunged 17.1% from a year earlier to 826,941 tons in May, according to data compiled by the Japan Maritime Center (JMC) from trade statistics provided by the Ministry of Finance (MOF). Suffering a year-on-year decrease for three months in a row, they were the lowest volume for the month in question since the ministry began keeping statistics. They declined in terms of value, too, plummeting 11.6% to \642.1 billion, incurring a year-on-year contraction for three months running.
Inbound containers from China to Japan, meanwhile, waned 4.6% to 1,983,625 tons in May, registering the first year-on-year shrinkage in three months. On a value scale, they fell 3.9% to \1.121 trillion, which was also the first year-on-year abatement in three months.