Container exports from Japan to the U.S. amounted to 56,643 TEUs in July, jumping 49.6% from the same month last year and registering their first year-on-year growth in two months, according to Descartes Datamyne. From the previous month, there was an increase of 23.3%.
Shipments directly moved on the route accounted for 39,239 TEUs, up 34.3%, while the remaining 17,404 TEUs were transshipped in third countries and regions, up 101.2%. Specifically, containers relayed in South Korea came to 13,149 TEUs, up 113.6%; in China, 1,949 TEUs, up 87%; and in Taiwan, 1,332 TEUs, up 223.3%.
Looking at direct freight from Japan to the U.S. by origin, Tokyo was responsible for 16,362 TEUs, which almost stayed flat from a year earlier. Nagoya, meanwhile, exported 11,545 TEUs, up 37.7%; Kobe, 9,117 TEUs, up 32.2%; Shimizu, 625 TEUs, up 9.8%; Yokohama, 881TEU, up 155.4%; and Osaka, 344 TEUs, up 55.7%.