Container exports from Japan to the U.S. swelled 8.6% to 51,579 TEUs in November, registering their first year-on-year improvement in seven months. From the previous month, they enjoyed a double-digit increase of 15.5%, according to American research company Descartes Datamyne.
In breakdown, direct shipments from Japan accounted for 39,351 TEUs, up 12.5%, while the remaining 12,228 TEUs were transshipped in third countries and regions, down 2.1%, including 8,738 TEUs handled in South Korea, up 3.2%.
By port of origin, Tokyo exported 20,655 TEUs, up 20.7%, holding the largest share of the pie. Finshing in second place, containers from Nagoya amounted to 10,697 TEUs, up 13.3%. Those from Kobe improved a more dramatic 25.3% to 7,647 TEUs, coming in third. In contrast, exports from Shimizu plunged 38.4% to 454 TEUs, putting the port in fourth place. At the bottom of the top five were those from Yokohama, which plummeted even more severely, sinking 59.8% to 424 TEUs. Ranked six were those from Osaka, which fell 56.4% to 177 TEUs.