

Waning traffic on the container trade from Asia to Central and South America under the downward economic pressure in Brazil and other contiguous economies has prompted shipping lines on the trade to focus on rate restorations in September as their final opportunities to raise rates with the slack season from October in the offing.

Some carriers have announced a rate restoration of $500 per TEU and $1,000 per FEU on the trade from Asia to the East Coast of South America effective September 1.

Member Lines of the Asia - West Coast South America Agreement plans two-staged increases of $500 per TEU and $1,000 per FEU each, effective September 1 and September 15, applicable to the trades from Asia to the West Coast of South America (WCSA), Mexico and the West Coast of Central America.

Asia to Caribbean Trade Agreement (ACTA) lines are also poised a rate hike effective September 11 at a level of $700 per TEU, applicable on the trade from Asia to North Coast of South America, Caribbean and the East Coast Central America, excluding Puerto Rico and Cuba.




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