Chinese ports handled a total of 20.09 TEUs of containers in June, which grew 1.9% from a year earlier, the nation's Ministry of Transport (MOT) announced recently. From the previous month, there was an improvement of 990,000 TEUs, showing a sign of recovery.
As for the Big 10 coastal container ports, volumes increased at Tianjin and Xiamen, which swelled 2.9% to 1.68 million TEUs and 5.2% to 1.01 million TEUs, respectively. Throughput at Xiamen exceeded the one-million-TEU line for the first time on a monthly scale. In contrast, containers to and from Shanghai, the busiest container port in the world, shrank 4.3% to 3.6 million TEUs.
In the first half (January-June), 120.19 million TEUs were moved to and from China in total, down 5.4%. Container lifting diminished at both coastal and inland river ports, which fell 5% to 106.96 million TEUs and 8.2% to 13.23 million TEUs, respectively.